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التصنيف: Early Churche Fathers Books Collection
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الكتاب تاريخ التنزيل الحجم الكتب
Authority and Asceticism from Augustine to Gregory the Great 2013-08-20 05:53:12 2.49 MB 874
Gregory of Nazianzus 2013-08-20 05:53:12 2.29 MB 881
HarperCollins Augustine_A New Biography 2013-08-20 05:53:12 3.1 MB 885
Gregory of Nyssa 2013-08-20 05:53:12 794.87 KB 894
Augustine_s Confession 2013-08-20 05:53:12 10.13 MB 894
Asceticism and Anthropology in Irenaeus and Clement 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.79 MB 895
Augustine_s Philosophy of Mind 2013-08-20 05:53:12 7.21 MB 915
Access to God in Augustine_s Confessions_ Books X-XIII 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.41 MB 927
The Epistles of St Symeon the New Theologian 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.77 MB 931
De Doctrina Christiana by Augustine 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.58 MB 944
Ascetic Eucharists_Food and Drink in Early Christian Ritual Meals 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.92 MB 960
A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.06 MB 962
Gregory of Nyssa_The Letters 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.84 MB 969
Jerome_s Hebrew Philology 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.28 MB 970
Life-Giving Blessing_An Inquiry into the Eucharistic Doctrine of Cyril of Alexandria 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.88 MB 972
Trajectories through the New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers 2013-08-20 05:53:12 2.06 MB 993
To Know God and the Soul_Essays on the Thought of Saint Augustine 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.16 MB 1014
Encounters with Hellenism_Studies on the First Letter of Clement 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.42 MB 1023
Cyril of Alexandria and the Nestorian Controversy_The Making of a Saint and of a Heretic 2013-08-20 05:53:12 2.38 MB 1048
Marriage Celibacy and Heresy in Ancient Christianity 2013-08-20 05:53:12 1.73 MB 1053